Why crickets
Day by day the food industry is utilising growing numbers of edible insects. The time to join the edible insect industry is now, as the European market is expected to grow rapidly during the upcoming years. We want to help you succeed in the farming, sales and usage of edible insects. We will also support you in implementing insects as a food ingredient in industrial manufacturing processes.
A globally growing business
The global insect food market is expected to exceed $740 M (€652 M) in 2024. In 2017 the market is estimated to be worth $55 M (€46 M). The growth potential is exponential and operators have room to specialise and make an impact in the developing industry.
Nutritious and climate friendly
Edible insects are a nutritious and climate friendly food. The protein content of many edible insect species is high and they include plenty of micronutrients that are vital for health. Insects are exothermic, which means that their feed conversion potential (how much feed is needed to produce 1 kg of crickets) is high. In addition, they require very little drinking water and farming space when compared to larger livestock.
Nutritional information
In addition /100g
Vitamin B12 5,75 µg
Iron 1,7 g
Omega-6 fatty acids 2,5 g
In addition /100g
Vitamin B12 1,14 µg
Iron 2,14 g
Omega-6 fatty acids 0,1 g
Natural resources
Sources: EntoCube own research, Halloran et al. 2017: Life cycle assessment of cricket farming in north-eastern Thailand, van Huis, A. 2013. Potential of Insects as Food and Feed in Assuring Food Security. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 58:563–83.